Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Aurora borealis

Yesterday (17.3.) i read about a peaking magnetic storm and the possibility of seeing northern lights as far south as Helsinki. Later i found out that i missed the most spectacular display of auroras that was seen right after sunset but i was still able to see and capture this magnificent natural phenomenon. It was the most intense magnetic storm in the last 10 years and the beautiful side effect could be seen all across Finland and almost all night long.

These first photos are from a field right next to where i live in Helsinki. After about 40min of waiting i was already on my way back home, trying to think about a place outside the city with less light pollution where i could be able to see the auroras more clearly. And then i saw these amazing, green waves slowly forming all across the sky.

After about 5 minutes of green auroras there were some intense parts with hints of red in them. The camera captured those colors better than the naked eye.

This show lasted about 15 minutes and then i decided to hop into the car and drive about half an hour outside Helsinki and try to find a darker spot to view the lights in the night sky. I was not the only one outdoor last night looking to the sky. It was nice to see people connecting with nature and just sucking in the beauty of the northern lights.


 It was truly a great night. I spent about two more hours looking at the dancing lights before i started to get tired as the auroras started to simmer down. As i returned to the car and started packing my equipment i looked up and this crazy corona of green and red rays bursted on top of me. Of course i had to take one last picture before heading home.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lux Helsinki 2015

New year. Time for the Lux Helsinki light installations to appear on the streets of Helsinki. So i went and had a look at most of them and here are some of the pictures i took.

Various Artists: Lantern Park

Lighting Design Collective Helsinki: Anonymous  


You could go inside a booth equipped with a microphone. Your movements were reflected on to the facade of Finlandia hall and your voice would also come through speakers and change the lighting.


ACT Lighting Design & Odeaubois: OVO


 This was my personal favorite of all the installations i saw this year. 

Ishmail Sandstroem: Mandala

Fire Circus Walkea's performance on Senate square directed by Antti Suniala.

This is a photo i made walking to the next installation.



Kinsei & Aake Otsala: Time Lapse Plant

Ville Mäkelä: Vladimir


 Mader Wiermann: Shift

Petri Tuhkanen: Sinisten välissä




Anniina Veijalainen: Suojaväri/Camouflage

Jürgen Albrecht & Isabelle Mars: Universalis Helsinki

This is what those people could see looking through the installation.