Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lux Helsinki 2015

New year. Time for the Lux Helsinki light installations to appear on the streets of Helsinki. So i went and had a look at most of them and here are some of the pictures i took.

Various Artists: Lantern Park

Lighting Design Collective Helsinki: Anonymous  


You could go inside a booth equipped with a microphone. Your movements were reflected on to the facade of Finlandia hall and your voice would also come through speakers and change the lighting.


ACT Lighting Design & Odeaubois: OVO


 This was my personal favorite of all the installations i saw this year. 

Ishmail Sandstroem: Mandala

Fire Circus Walkea's performance on Senate square directed by Antti Suniala.

This is a photo i made walking to the next installation.



Kinsei & Aake Otsala: Time Lapse Plant

Ville Mäkelä: Vladimir


 Mader Wiermann: Shift

Petri Tuhkanen: Sinisten välissä




Anniina Veijalainen: Suojaväri/Camouflage

Jürgen Albrecht & Isabelle Mars: Universalis Helsinki

This is what those people could see looking through the installation.


1 comment:

  1. Siistiä jälkeä. Itsellä kun ei ollut mahdollisuutta nähdä vivo.
